Let us help you apply.
Your city doesn’t need to have a plan in place before you apply for the AMP grant. We’re here to guide you every step of the way.
The grant program is intended to support cities no matter your starting place. The assessment you receive identifies barriers and provides strategies to address them, and it works in cities of any size or type.
Complete this checklist to prepare for the application process.
Build your team
City Staff Lead: Engage a representative from a local government authority who wants to improve how the city delivers projects.
Community Partner Lead: Engage a representative of a nonprofit, philanthropic, business, advocacy, or other community-based organization working on mobility, transportation, access, or place-based improvements.
Gather letters of support
Secure letters of support from at least three community representatives. They can include:
• Head of city department tasked with mobility project implementation OR highest levels of elected leadership like mayor or city manager.
• Leader (executive director/board chair) of partner organization OR leader of local or regional philanthropic organization that supports mobility projects.
Secure your local match
$15K USD Community Investment
Your cash match of $15,000 USD leverages $35,000 USD in professional consulting value.
Before you apply, determine if your city or community organization will invest in this project. A local philanthropy, crowdfunding, or a combination of sources may also be the answer.
Complete the application
Submit your application by emailing it to Zoe Kircos, zoe@citythread.org.
• Please submit the administrative information and application narrative as one document with supporting documents attached.
• The subject of your email should include the name of your city and AMP Grant (ex: Funville AMP Grant).