Accelerated Mobility Playbook (AMP)
Like GPS, our playbook is a faster, smarter route.
City Thread gets your mobility projects moving in the right direction.
How? Meet the Accelerated Mobility Playbook.
What is the AMP?
Our playbook is a roadmap to achieve bold mobility goals in your city in 24 to 36 months.
We find the way forward.
Build coalitions of support that include businesses, local leaders, community and faith-based organizations, and anchor institutions
Mobilize people to take action using strategies guided by public opinion research
Accelerate mobility project delivery
Delivering success with a high ROI
These City Thread partners have used the Accelerated Mobility Playbook to achieve bold, measurable outcomes in their communities.
Working closely with elected officials and local nonprofit partners, the city’s transportation department installed 115 miles of new, protected bike lanes, side paths, and intersection crossings for all ages and all abilities throughout Austin in only two years.
The Providence Streets Coalition, led by more than 100 organizations and businesses, propelled the city to accelerate the buildout of its “Great Streets Network” by 800%, completing more than 40 miles of projects in just two years.
With 89% support from Bentonville voters, the “Bentonville Moves, Everyone Wins” media campaign is building awareness and strengthening support for rapid implementation of the city’s sidewalks, greenways, and protected bike-lane network.
Working closely with local nonprofit partners, the city’s Department of Mobility and Infrastructure installed 50 miles of new bike-friendly connections throughout Pittsburgh in only two years.
Strengthened by every step
Like stairsteps, City Thread’s playbook builds on each component, rooted in trust and collaboration among key city and community participants.
Components of the AMP include:
An assessment of your city’s capacity and readiness to improve project delivery using global best practices.
A strategy to speed mobility network implementation, build lasting and effective partnerships with community stakeholders, and amplify existing public support for changes to the city’s streets.
Tactics to get you started, including an action plan, budget guidance, and recommended activities.
Take the next step.
AMP brings your mobility plans to life.
Apply for a technical assistance grant or hire City Thread as a consultant to bring progress to your community.